
自从学了 react-use 源码,我写自定义 React Hooks 越来越顺了

· Yin灏

1. 前言

最近 React 出了 新文档 react.dev新中文文档 zh-hans.react.dev

现在用 react 开发离不开各种 hooks。学习各种 hooks 的工具库,有助于我们更好的使用和理解 hooks 。前端社区中有活跃的 ahooks。不过,这次我们来学习目前 36.2k starreact-use 库。

react-use 文档 是用 storybook 搭建的。

如果公司项目需要搭建组件库或者 hooks、工具库等,storybook 或许是不错的选择。

react-use 中文翻译仓库,最后更新是 2 年前,可能有点老。

2. 环境准备

看一个开源仓库,第一步一般是看 README.mdcontributing.md 贡献文档。第二步的克隆下来。按照贡献指南文档,把项目跑起来。


2.1 创建一个新 hook 的步骤

  1. 创建 src/useYourHookName.tsstories/useYourHookName.story.tsx,然后运行 yarn start

  2. 创建 tests/useYourHookName.test.ts,运行 yarn test:watch 监听测试用例执行。

  3. 创建 docs/useYourHookName.md 文档。

  4. src/index.ts 文件导出你写的 hook,然后添加你的 hookREAMDE.md 中。

我们可以得知具体要做什么,新增 hook 关联哪些文件。

# 推荐克隆我的仓库
git clone https://github.com/lxchuan12/react-use-analysis.git
cd react-use-analysis/react-use
# 也可以克隆官方项目
git clone https://github.com/streamich/react-use.git
cd react-use
yarn install
yarn start

克隆项目到本地,安装依赖完成后,执行 yarn start

命令终端运行 yarn start

本地环境打开 useEffectOnce docshttp://localhost:6008/?path=/story/lifecycle-useeffectonce--docs

我们先挑选这个 useEffectOnce 简单的 hook 来分析。

2.2 useEffectOnce

2.2.1 react-use/src/useEffectOnce.ts

// react-use/src/useEffectOnce.ts
import { EffectCallback, useEffect } from "react";

// 源码非常简单,不依赖任何参数的函数。

const useEffectOnce = (effect: EffectCallback) => {
  useEffect(effect, []);

export default useEffectOnce;

我们来看测试用例,直接使用测试用例调试 useEffectOnce 源码。

我之前写过相关文章。可以参考学习。 你可能不知道测试用例(Vitest)可以调试开源项目(Vue3) 源码

我装了 jestjest runner vscode 插件,装完后测试用例中会直接显示 run、和 debug 按钮。还在装了 vitestvitest runner vscode 插件,装完后测试用例中会直接显示 run(vitest)debug(vitest) 按钮。



这个项目使用的是 jest。于是我点击最右侧的 debug

调试 gif 图

2.2.2 react-use/tests/useEffectOnce.test.ts

// react-use/tests/useEffectOnce.test.ts
import { renderHook } from "@testing-library/react-hooks";
import { useEffectOnce } from "../src";

// mock 函数
const mockEffectCleanup = jest.fn();
const mockEffectCallback = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(mockEffectCleanup);

it("should run provided effect only once", () => {
  const { rerender } = renderHook(() => useEffectOnce(mockEffectCallback));
  // 只调用一次

  // 重新渲染时,只调用一次

it("should run clean-up provided on unmount", () => {
  const { unmount } = renderHook(() => useEffectOnce(mockEffectCallback));

  // 卸载时 执行一次

2.2.3 react-use/stories/useEffectOnce.story.tsx

xxx.story.tsx 渲染组件,可以直接操作。Demodocs

// react-use/stories/useEffectOnce.story.tsx
import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react";
import * as React from "react";
import { useEffectOnce } from "../src";
import ConsoleStory from "./util/ConsoleStory";
import ShowDocs from "./util/ShowDocs";

const Demo = () => {
  useEffectOnce(() => {
    console.log("Running effect once on mount");

    return () => {
      console.log("Running clean-up of effect on unmount");

  return <ConsoleStory />;

storiesOf("Lifecycle/useEffectOnce", module)
  .add("Docs", () => <ShowDocs md={require("../docs/useEffectOnce.md")} />)
  .add("Demo", () => <Demo />);

docs/useEffectOnce.md 省略,基本跟测试用例一样。可以说测试用例就是活文档

接下来我们来看其他的 hooks 源码,限于篇幅,主要就讲述源码,不包含测试用例、文档、story

TS 也不会过多描述。如果对 TS 不太熟悉,推荐学习这个《TypeScript 入门教程》

我们先来看 Sensors 行为部分。

3. Sensors 行为

3.1 useIdle

useIdle docs | useIdle demo

tracks whether user is being inactive. 跟踪用户是否处于非活动状态。

主要是:监听用户行为的事件(默认的 'mousemove', 'mousedown', 'resize', 'keydown', 'touchstart', 'wheel' ),指定时间内没有用户操作行为就是非活动状态。

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
// 防抖、节流
import { throttle } from "throttle-debounce";
// 事件解绑和监听函数
import { off, on } from "./misc/util";

// 监听默认事件
const defaultEvents = [
const oneMinute = 60e3;

const useIdle = (
  ms: number = oneMinute,
  initialState: boolean = false,
  events: string[] = defaultEvents
): boolean => {
  const [state, setState] = useState < boolean > initialState;

  useEffect(() => {
    let mounted = true;
    let timeout: any;
    let localState: boolean = state;
    const set = (newState: boolean) => {
      if (mounted) {
        localState = newState;

    const onEvent = throttle(50, () => {
      if (localState) {

      timeout = setTimeout(() => set(true), ms);
    const onVisibility = () => {
      if (!document.hidden) {

    for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
      on(window, events[i], onEvent);
    on(document, "visibilitychange", onVisibility);

    timeout = setTimeout(() => set(true), ms);

    return () => {
      mounted = false;

      // 销毁 解绑事件
      for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
        off(window, events[i], onEvent);
      off(document, "visibilitychange", onVisibility);
  }, [ms, events]);

  return state;

export default useIdle;

我们接着来看,useLocation hook

3.2 useLocation

useLocation docs | useLocation demo

React sensor hook that tracks brower’s location.

主要获取 window.location 等对象信息。

mdn History API

阮一峰老师的网道:history 阮一峰老师的网道:location

自定义事件 mdn 创建和触发 events

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
// 判断浏览器
import { isBrowser, off, on } from "./misc/util";

const patchHistoryMethod = (method) => {
  const history = window.history;
  const original = history[method];

  history[method] = function (state) {
    // 原先函数
    const result = original.apply(this, arguments);
    // 自定义事件 new Event 、 dispatchEvent
    const event = new Event(method.toLowerCase());

    (event as any).state = state;


    return result;

if (isBrowser) {
// 省略 LocationSensorState 类型

const useLocationServer = (): LocationSensorState => ({
  trigger: "load",
  length: 1,

const buildState = (trigger: string) => {
  const { state, length } = window.history;

  const {
  } = window.location;

  return {

const useLocationBrowser = (): LocationSensorState => {
  const [state, setState] = useState(buildState("load"));

  useEffect(() => {
    const onPopstate = () => setState(buildState("popstate"));
    const onPushstate = () => setState(buildState("pushstate"));
    const onReplacestate = () => setState(buildState("replacestate"));

    on(window, "popstate", onPopstate);
    on(window, "pushstate", onPushstate);
    on(window, "replacestate", onReplacestate);

    return () => {
      off(window, "popstate", onPopstate);
      off(window, "pushstate", onPushstate);
      off(window, "replacestate", onReplacestate);
  }, []);

  return state;

const hasEventConstructor = typeof Event === "function";

export default isBrowser && hasEventConstructor
  ? useLocationBrowser
  : useLocationServer;

接着我们继续来看 State 状态部分。

4. State 状态

4.1 useFirstMountState

useFirstMountState docs | useFirstMountState demo

Returns true if component is just mounted (on first render) and false otherwise. 若组件刚刚加载(在第一次渲染时),则返回 true,否则返回 false

import { useRef } from "react";

export function useFirstMountState(): boolean {
  const isFirst = useRef(true);

  if (isFirst.current) {
    isFirst.current = false;

    return true;

  return isFirst.current;

4.2 usePrevious

usePrevious docs | usePrevious demo

React state hook that returns the previous state as described in the React hooks FAQ. 保留上一次的状态。

利用 useRef 的不变性。

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";

export default function usePrevious<T>(state: T): T | undefined {
  const ref = useRef<T>();

  useEffect(() => {
    ref.current = state;

  return ref.current;

4.3 useSet

useSet docs | useSet demo

React state hook that tracks a Set.

new Set 的 hooks 用法。 useSet 可以用来列表展开、收起等其他场景。 返回 [set ,{add, remove, toggle, reset, has }]

import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from "react";

export interface StableActions<K> {
  add: (key: K) => void;
  remove: (key: K) => void;
  toggle: (key: K) => void;
  reset: () => void;

export interface Actions<K> extends StableActions<K> {
  has: (key: K) => boolean;

const useSet = <K>(initialSet = new Set<K>()): [Set<K>, Actions<K>] => {
  const [set, setSet] = useState(initialSet);

  const stableActions = useMemo<StableActions<K>>(() => {
    const add = (item: K) =>
      setSet((prevSet) => new Set([...Array.from(prevSet), item]));
    const remove = (item: K) =>
        (prevSet) => new Set(Array.from(prevSet).filter((i) => i !== item))
    const toggle = (item: K) =>
      setSet((prevSet) =>
          ? new Set(Array.from(prevSet).filter((i) => i !== item))
          : new Set([...Array.from(prevSet), item])

    return { add, remove, toggle, reset: () => setSet(initialSet) };
  }, [setSet]);

  const utils = {
    has: useCallback((item) => set.has(item), [set]),
  } as Actions<K>;

  return [set, utils];

export default useSet;

4.4 useToggle

useToggle docs | useToggle demo

tracks state of a boolean. 跟踪布尔值的状态。 切换 false => true => false

import { Reducer, useReducer } from "react";

const toggleReducer = (state: boolean, nextValue?: any) =>
  typeof nextValue === "boolean" ? nextValue : !state;

const useToggle = (
  initialValue: boolean
): [boolean, (nextValue?: any) => void] => {
  return useReducer<Reducer<boolean, any>>(toggleReducer, initialValue);

export default useToggle;

我们继续来看 Side-effects 副作用部分。

5. Side-effects 副作用

5.1 useMountedState

useMountedState 属于 lifecycle 模块,但这个 hookuseAsyncFn 中使用,所以放到这里讲述。

useMountedState docs | useMountedState demo

NOTE!: despite having State in its name this hook does not cause component re-render. This component designed to be used to avoid state updates on unmounted components.

注意!:尽管名称中有 State,但该钩子不会导致组件重新呈现。此组件设计用于避免对未安装的组件进行状态更新。

Lifecycle hook providing ability to check component’s mount state. Returns a function that will return true if component mounted and false otherwise. 生命周期挂钩提供了检查组件装载状态的能力。 返回一个函数,如果组件已安装,则返回 true,否则返回 false。

import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from "react";

export default function useMountedState(): () => boolean {
  const mountedRef = useRef<boolean>(false);
  const get = useCallback(() => mountedRef.current, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    mountedRef.current = true;

    return () => {
      mountedRef.current = false;
  }, []);

  return get;

5.2 useAsyncFn

useAsyncFn docs | useAsyncFn demo

React hook that returns state and a callback for an async function or a function that returns a promise. The state is of the same shape as useAsync. 为异步函数或返回 promise 的函数返回状态和回调的 React 钩子。状态与 useAsync 的形状相同。

看了 useMountedState hook,我们继续看 useAsyncFn 函数源码。

主要函数传入 Promise 函数 fn,然后执行函数 fn.then()。 返回 state、callback(fn.then)。

// 省略若干代码
export default function useAsyncFn<T extends FunctionReturningPromise>(
  fn: T,
  deps: DependencyList = [],
  initialState: StateFromFunctionReturningPromise<T> = { loading: false }
): AsyncFnReturn<T> {
  const lastCallId = useRef(0);
  const isMounted = useMountedState();
  const [state, set] =

  const callback = useCallback((...args: Parameters<T>): ReturnType<T> => {
    const callId = ++lastCallId.current;

    if (!state.loading) {
      set((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, loading: true }));

    return fn(...args).then(
      (value) => {
        isMounted() &&
          callId === lastCallId.current &&
          set({ value, loading: false });

        return value;
      (error) => {
        isMounted() &&
          callId === lastCallId.current &&
          set({ error, loading: false });

        return error;
    ) as ReturnType<T>;
  }, deps);

  return [state, callback as unknown as T];

5.3 useAsync

useAsync docs | useAsync demo

React hook that resolves an async function or a function that returns a promise; 解析异步函数或返回 promise 的函数的 React 钩子;

import { DependencyList, useEffect } from "react";
import useAsyncFn from "./useAsyncFn";
import { FunctionReturningPromise } from "./misc/types";

export { AsyncState, AsyncFnReturn } from "./useAsyncFn";

export default function useAsync<T extends FunctionReturningPromise>(
  fn: T,
  deps: DependencyList = []
) {
  const [state, callback] = useAsyncFn(fn, deps, {
    loading: true,

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [callback]);

  return state;

5.4 useAsyncRetry

useAsyncRetry docs | useAsyncRetry demo

Uses useAsync with an additional retry method to easily retry/refresh the async function; 重试

主要就是变更依赖,次数(attempt),变更时会执行 useAsyncfn 函数。

import { DependencyList, useCallback, useState } from "react";
import useAsync, { AsyncState } from "./useAsync";

export type AsyncStateRetry<T> = AsyncState<T> & {
  retry(): void;

const useAsyncRetry = <T>(fn: () => Promise<T>, deps: DependencyList = []) => {
  const [attempt, setAttempt] = useState<number>(0);
  const state = useAsync(fn, [...deps, attempt]);

  const stateLoading = state.loading;
  const retry = useCallback(() => {
    // 省略开发环境警告提示

    setAttempt((currentAttempt) => currentAttempt + 1);
  }, [...deps, stateLoading]);

  return { ...state, retry };

export default useAsyncRetry;

5.5 useTimeoutFn

useTimeoutFn 属于 Animations 模块,但这个 hookuseDebounce 中使用,所以放到这里讲述。

useTimeoutFn docs | useTimeoutFn demo

Calls given function after specified amount of milliseconds. 在指定的毫秒数后调用给定的函数。

主要是 useRefsetTimeout 结合实现的。

import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from "react";

export type UseTimeoutFnReturn = [() => boolean | null, () => void, () => void];

export default function useTimeoutFn(
  fn: Function,
  ms: number = 0
): UseTimeoutFnReturn {
  const ready = useRef<boolean | null>(false);
  const timeout = useRef<ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>>();
  const callback = useRef(fn);

  const isReady = useCallback(() => ready.current, []);

  const set = useCallback(() => {
    ready.current = false;
    timeout.current && clearTimeout(timeout.current);

    timeout.current = setTimeout(() => {
      ready.current = true;
    }, ms);
  }, [ms]);

  const clear = useCallback(() => {
    ready.current = null;
    timeout.current && clearTimeout(timeout.current);
  }, []);

  // update ref when function changes
  useEffect(() => {
    callback.current = fn;
  }, [fn]);

  // set on mount, clear on unmount
  useEffect(() => {

    return clear;
  }, [ms]);

  return [isReady, clear, set];

5.6 useDebounce

useDebounce docs | useDebounce demo

React hook that delays invoking a function until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked. 防抖

import { DependencyList, useEffect } from "react";
import useTimeoutFn from "./useTimeoutFn";

export type UseDebounceReturn = [() => boolean | null, () => void];

export default function useDebounce(
  fn: Function,
  ms: number = 0,
  deps: DependencyList = []
): UseDebounceReturn {
  const [isReady, cancel, reset] = useTimeoutFn(fn, ms);

  useEffect(reset, deps);

  return [isReady, cancel];

5.7 useThrottle

useThrottle docs | useThrottle demo

React hooks that throttle. 节流

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import useUnmount from "./useUnmount";

const useThrottle = <T>(value: T, ms: number = 200) => {
  const [state, setState] = useState<T>(value);
  const timeout = useRef<ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>>();
  const nextValue = useRef(null) as any;
  const hasNextValue = useRef(0) as any;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!timeout.current) {
      const timeoutCallback = () => {
        if (hasNextValue.current) {
          hasNextValue.current = false;
          timeout.current = setTimeout(timeoutCallback, ms);
        } else {
          timeout.current = undefined;
      timeout.current = setTimeout(timeoutCallback, ms);
    } else {
      nextValue.current = value;
      hasNextValue.current = true;
  }, [value]);

  useUnmount(() => {
    timeout.current && clearTimeout(timeout.current);

  return state;

export default useThrottle;

我们继续来看 UI 用户界面部分。

6. UI 用户界面

6.1 useFullscreen

useFullscreen docs | useFullscreen demo

Display an element full-screen, optional fallback for fullscreen video on iOS. 实现全屏

主要使用 screenfull npm 包实现。

import { RefObject, useState } from "react";
import screenfull from "screenfull";
import useIsomorphicLayoutEffect from "./useIsomorphicLayoutEffect";
import { noop, off, on } from "./misc/util";

export interface FullScreenOptions {
  video?: RefObject<
    HTMLVideoElement & {
      webkitEnterFullscreen?: () => void;
      webkitExitFullscreen?: () => void;
  onClose?: (error?: Error) => void;

const useFullscreen = (
  ref: RefObject<Element>,
  enabled: boolean,
  options: FullScreenOptions = {}
): boolean => {
  const { video, onClose = noop } = options;
  const [isFullscreen, setIsFullscreen] = useState(enabled);

  useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
    if (!enabled) {
    if (!ref.current) {

    const onWebkitEndFullscreen = () => {
      if (video?.current) {
        off(video.current, "webkitendfullscreen", onWebkitEndFullscreen);

    const onChange = () => {
      if (screenfull.isEnabled) {
        const isScreenfullFullscreen = screenfull.isFullscreen;
        if (!isScreenfullFullscreen) {

    if (screenfull.isEnabled) {
      try {
      } catch (error) {
      screenfull.on("change", onChange);
    } else if (video && video.current && video.current.webkitEnterFullscreen) {
      on(video.current, "webkitendfullscreen", onWebkitEndFullscreen);
    } else {

    return () => {
      if (screenfull.isEnabled) {
        try {
          screenfull.off("change", onChange);
        } catch {}
      } else if (video && video.current && video.current.webkitExitFullscreen) {
        off(video.current, "webkitendfullscreen", onWebkitEndFullscreen);
  }, [enabled, video, ref]);

  return isFullscreen;

export default useFullscreen;

我们继续来看 Lifecycles 生命周期部分。

7. Lifecycles 生命周期

7.1 useLifecycles

useLifecycles docs | useLifecycles demo

React lifecycle hook that call mount and unmount callbacks, when component is mounted and un-mounted, respectively. React 生命周期挂钩,分别在组件安装和卸载时调用。

import { useEffect } from "react";

const useLifecycles = (mount, unmount?) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    if (mount) {
    return () => {
      if (unmount) {
  }, []);

export default useLifecycles;

7.2 useCustomCompareEffect

useCustomCompareEffect docs | useCustomCompareEffect demo

A modified useEffect hook that accepts a comparator which is used for comparison on dependencies instead of reference equality. 一个经过修改的 useEffect 钩子,它接受一个比较器,该比较器用于对依赖项进行比较,而不是对引用相等进行比较。

import { DependencyList, EffectCallback, useEffect, useRef } from "react";

const isPrimitive = (val: any) => val !== Object(val);

type DepsEqualFnType<TDeps extends DependencyList> = (
  prevDeps: TDeps,
  nextDeps: TDeps
) => boolean;

const useCustomCompareEffect = <TDeps extends DependencyList>(
  effect: EffectCallback,
  deps: TDeps,
  depsEqual: DepsEqualFnType<TDeps>
) => {
  // 省略一些开发环境的警告提示

  const ref = useRef<TDeps | undefined>(undefined);

  if (!ref.current || !depsEqual(deps, ref.current)) {
    ref.current = deps;

  useEffect(effect, ref.current);

export default useCustomCompareEffect;

7.3 useDeepCompareEffect

useDeepCompareEffect docs | useDeepCompareEffect demo

A modified useEffect hook that is using deep comparison on its dependencies instead of reference equality. 一个修改后的 useEffect 钩子,它对其依赖项使用深度比较,而不是引用相等。

import { DependencyList, EffectCallback } from "react";
import useCustomCompareEffect from "./useCustomCompareEffect";
import isDeepEqual from "./misc/isDeepEqual";

const isPrimitive = (val: any) => val !== Object(val);

const useDeepCompareEffect = (effect: EffectCallback, deps: DependencyList) => {
  // 省略若干开发环境的警告提示

  useCustomCompareEffect(effect, deps, isDeepEqual);

export default useDeepCompareEffect;

最后,我们来看 Animations 生命周期部分。

8. Animations 动画

8.1 useUpdate

useUpdate docs | useUpdate demo

React utility hook that returns a function that forces component to re-render when called. React 实用程序钩子返回一个函数,该函数在调用时强制组件重新渲染。

主要用了 useReducer 每次调用 updateReducer 方法,来达到强制组件重新渲染的目的。

import { useReducer } from "react";

const updateReducer = (num: number): number => (num + 1) % 1_000_000;

export default function useUpdate(): () => void {
  const [, update] = useReducer(updateReducer, 0);

  return update;

9. 总结

行文至此,我们简单分析了若干 react-use 的自定义 React Hooks。想进一步学习的小伙伴,可以继续学完剩余的 hooks。还可以学习 ahooks别人写的 ahooks 源码分析beautiful-react-hooksmantine-hooks 等。

学习过程中带着问题多查阅 React 新文档 react.dev新中文文档 zh-hans.react.dev,相信收获更大。

如果技术栈是 Vue,感兴趣的小伙伴可以学习 VueUse

如果能看完一些 React Hooks 工具集合库的源码。相信一定能对 React Hooks 有更深的理解,自己写自定义 React Hooks 时也会更加顺利、快速。

- Book Lists -